As the first album created for the MUSIC realm of E82, Journey Into Imagination was chosen to begin the Future World Soundtrack Series for its unique repertoire of compositions that provided a pitch-perfect opening act for the many pavilions to follow.
13 years and over 30 albums later, the Journey Into Imagination has been completely refreshed with the latest resources and restoration techniques I've cultivated over the last decade.
Literally, ALL of the tracks for each "Disc" have been either enhanced, replaced, or added with superior sound quality including...
- Newly digitized 1st generation masters from the original DATs for the Journey Into Imagination (attraction), The Electronic Philharmonic, and the full version of Makin' Memories.
- Remastered pavilion atmospheres that bring back details not heard in 40 years with crystal-clear clarity.
- Enhanced Magic Journeys and Magic Eye Theater soundtracks
- *NEW* Journey Into Imagination Suite showcasing George Wilkins' amazing score
- A reconstructed Captain EO mix featuring a newly discovered James Horner preshow score and enhanced soundtrack
- *NEW* Imagination Institute Atmosphere with direct soundtrack sources
- *NEW* Journey Into YOUR Imagination full soundtrack
- And all other tracks have been remastered for higher dynamic range and completely noiseless listening experience!
While the rest of the world will have to wait until the 40th anniversary on March 5th, now begins your exclusive preview of the elevated edition of Journey Into Imagination!