E82 The Epcot Legacy
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The world's most unique Epcot Centered endeavor dedicated to its original vision to Entertain, Inform & Inspire!
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Mirror Mirror on the Wall,
When would becoming an @EpcotLegacy supporter be the best time of All?

Before Friday would be the fairest time of all, for a classic Halloween tradition will soon debut in a new definition. 😉

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Selling the Seas

As the last of Epcot's Phase II pavilions and the first one for the Eisner administration, The Living Seas had a massive marketing campaign including several opening events, an hour-long celebrity-filled TV special, and more print ads than I can count.
However, if a solo commercial for The Living Seas exists, I can't seem to find it. Nevertheless, I came into a collection of raw B-Roll several years ago that if it wasn't produced for a narrative commercial it sure does look like it!
Culling through 12 minutes of footage and 37 clips, here is a "Seas Sizzle Reel" of the "wonders below the surface".

PS Locals Supporters should expect to see the raw footage soon!

Project Scorrano

It's never too early to start planning for next year's holiday season and after MANY years, I've finally found a process/workflow that will allow a cue-for recreation of the Lights of Winter!
Coming in November 2024

EPCOT Center "Teaser Trailer"

that ran in front of TRON in July of 1982... 84 days before opening.

Fully Restored & enhanced by yours truly including manual dust removal for all 610 frames!
(Restoration demonstration after the trailer.)

Techno Millennium

As part of the Millennium Celebration, the anthem "Celebrate the Future Hand in Hand" was produced in several musical genres including Country, Latin, Pop & Gospel.
I thought I had all of them until I discovered this somewhat forgotten variation as part of a recently contributed archive of theme park music.

The following is the 2OOO "Techno" variation created for the New Year's Eve celebration held nightly on Pleasure Island.


Techno Millennium

Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth, this exquisitely detailed presentation on the history and philosophy behind the enormously impactful show is well worth every minute of its 4-hour runtime!

Spaceship Earth from the Line Architecture Series, modeled by happy customer, Claire!

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Geodesic Sunset joins our growing collection Retro Shirts!
Order yours now in the Centorium souvenir shop.
(MagicBands not accepted)

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A Disney Halloween
Now in High Definition

In thanks for your support here's an exclusive preview of a project I've been working on for the past several weeks. 
10 years after my first reconstruction, "A Disney Halloween" has been reassembled once again only this time in full HD with vastly improved audio and many segments restored for the first time ever.
There's a great number of improvements I could list, but for now, let's let the footage speak for itself. 

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The Living Seas — In Depth

While progressing through this project, it's always been my goal to have THE most comprehensive collection of Epcot soundtrack compilations possible. Unfortunately, there are several pavilions, with a few tiny yet significant pieces of the "puzzle" I just can't seem to acquire. Such was the case with The Living Seas up until a few weeks ago when I was gifted two amazing soundtracks one of which was the the last piece of the puzzle for the pavilion, and the other a massive mind-blowing upgrade. 

One of the most elusive scores in Epcot has been the original United Technologies preshow to The Living Seas that ran from the pavilion's opening in 1986 until 1999. Written by Richard Bellis, this is my favorite arrangement of George Wilkins' Living Seas theme. Few today even remember the accompanying visuals, but that will change very soon 😉.  This score and narration for this show has surfaced and carefully restored and rebalanced for this compilation!

The second and more important revelation has been all six surround sound tracks from Paul Gerber's magnificently mysterious film THE SEA. The previously best source was a mono track taken directly from the audio rack in the pavilion's show control room. As a result (and for reasons more complex than you want to read today) you could hear the BGM bleeding over into the movie, especially in the quieter moments as well as several imperfections and blemishes that were just too difficult to remove. 

None of these are problems anymore because (after a full week of cleaning and mixing this 7-minute film) you will now hear THE SEA in higher quality than ever before! And perhaps even more impressive, these separations allowed me to construct a complete Instrumental Suite of the film allowing you to enjoy Patrick Gleeson's score in isolation.

In addition to these major discoveries, I've also upgraded several tracks and added the audio from two more films shown in Seabase Alpha. This is also the FIRST Future World Soundtrack Series album you will not only Hear but SEE! As the Animated Atlas of the World, Jason of the Deep and Suited for the Sea films have been added at the bottom of the playlist all of which were taken directly from the source Laserdiscs and feature my upgraded sound mix for each. 

So I welcome you to "Try to Imagine" once more a complete journey through THE LIVING SEAS! 

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The American ART Adventure

As America Appreciation Month continues, here's Part Two of our permanent online exhibition of the exquisite art created for the American Adventure. 

Here you'll experience over 40 paintings and pictures used in the astounding show. In all cases, these priceless works of art have been painstakingly restored over the process of the last several years and well over 100 hours of preservation efforts. 

Board this "tiny ship" to begin your American ART Adventure!   

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